Top 10 Words That Rhyme with App for Catchy Verses and Poems


Find out what rhymes with app and improve your writing skills with our online rhyming dictionary. Perfect for poets, songwriters, and more!

What rhymes with app? As a writer or poet, you may have asked yourself this question countless times. You may have even found yourself in a position where you needed to write a poem or song that requires a word that rhymes with app. Fear not, for there are plenty of words that rhyme with app. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used words that rhyme with app.

To start off, let's talk about the word cap. Cap is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts. It can refer to a head covering or a limit on something. For example, you can say I wear a cap when I go out in the sun or There is a cap on the amount of money you can spend. The word cap is easy to rhyme with and can add a fun twist to your writing.

Another word that rhymes with app is lap. Lap can refer to the upper part of your thighs when you're sitting down or the act of taking a drink from a liquid held in a container. For instance, you can say The cat sat on my lap while I was reading a book or I took a sip from my coffee cup and spilled some on my lap.

Next up, we have the word sap. Sap can refer to a liquid that flows through a tree or plant, or it can be used to describe someone who is foolish or lacking in common sense. For example, you can say The maple tree produces sweet sap that can be used to make syrup or Don't be a sap and fall for that scam.

The word wrap also rhymes with app. Wrap can refer to covering something with a material or folding something in a particular way. For instance, you can say I need to wrap this gift before I give it to my friend or I like to wrap myself in a warm blanket on cold nights.

If you're looking for a word that rhymes with app and has a more poetic feel, try using the word hap. Hap is an old-fashioned word that means happen or chance. You can use it to describe an event or situation that occurred by chance or fate. For example, you can say It was by hap that we met each other or By some strange hap, I found the lost key.

Another word that rhymes with app is scrap. Scrap can refer to a small piece of material that is left over or the act of discarding something. For instance, you can say I saved all the fabric scraps from my sewing project or I need to scrap this old car and buy a new one.

The word trap also rhymes with app and can be used in various contexts. Trap can refer to a device used to catch animals or a situation that entraps someone. For example, you can say The mouse got caught in the mousetrap or I feel trapped in this dead-end job.

Next, we have the word slap. Slap can refer to hitting someone with an open hand or placing something forcefully. For instance, you can say Don't make me slap you or I slapped a coat of paint on the wall.

The word snap also rhymes with app and can be used to describe a quick, sudden movement or sound. Snap can refer to breaking something in two or taking a photograph. For example, you can say She snapped her fingers to get his attention or I heard a loud snap when I stepped on the twig.

Last but not least, we have the word map. Map can refer to a visual representation of an area or a plan for achieving something. For instance, you can say I use a map to navigate when I'm driving in a new city or I need to create a map for my business strategy.

In conclusion, there are plenty of words that rhyme with app that you can use in your writing and poetry. From cap to map, there is no shortage of options to choose from. So next time you're struggling to find a word that rhymes with app, remember that there are many possibilities out there to explore.


When it comes to finding words that rhyme with app, it's not always an easy task. However, there are a few words out there that can be used to create a catchy phrase or poem. In this article, we will explore some of the most common words that rhyme with app and how they can be used in different contexts.

Words that Rhyme with App


The word clap is a popular choice for rhyming with app. This word can be used to create a catchy phrase or a playful poem. For example, I like to clap when I use my app or My app makes me so happy, I want to clap. The word clap can also be used to describe the sound that hands make when they come together, such as when someone is applauding.


Wrap is another word that rhymes with app and can be used in a variety of ways. For example, I need to wrap up my work before I use my app or I love to wrap my phone in a protective case before I download a new app. The word wrap can also refer to the act of covering something with paper or fabric, such as wrapping a present or wrapping oneself in a blanket.


Snap is a fun word that can be used to create a playful rhyme with app. For example, I like to snap a photo when I use my app or My app is so cool, it makes me want to snap. The word snap can also refer to the sound that fingers make when they are snapped together.


Map is a versatile word that can be used in many different ways when rhyming with app. For example, I use my app to find my way on the map or My app helps me explore new places on the map. The word map can also refer to a visual representation of an area, such as a world map or a street map.


Trap is a word that can be used to create a more intense or dramatic rhyme with app. For example, I feel like I'm trapped when I can't use my app or My app is my escape from the trap of boredom. The word trap can also refer to a situation where someone is caught or stuck.


Nap is a fun and lighthearted word that can be used to create a playful rhyme with app. For example, I like to take a nap after I use my app or My app makes me so relaxed, I want to take a nap. The word nap can also refer to a short period of sleep during the day.


Crap is a more vulgar word that can be used to create a humorous or sarcastic rhyme with app. For example, My app is such crap, it makes me want to clap or I can't believe I wasted money on this crap app. The word crap can also refer to something that is of poor quality or value.


Sap is a less common word that can still be used to create a catchy rhyme with app. For example, My app is so sweet, it makes me feel like a sap or I love my app so much, I'm turning into a sap. The word sap can also refer to the fluid that flows through a tree or plant.


Rap is a fun and energetic word that can be used to create a playful rhyme with app. For example, I like to listen to rap while I use my app or My app is so cool, it feels like a rap. The word rap can also refer to a style of music characterized by rhyming lyrics and a strong beat.


Gap is a word that can be used to create a more serious or contemplative rhyme with app. For example, My app fills the gap in my life where I was missing something or I realized there was a gap in my knowledge before I found this app. The word gap can also refer to a space between two objects or areas.


While finding words that rhyme with app may not always be an easy task, there are several options out there that can be used to create a catchy phrase or poem. From playful words like nap and snap to more serious words like gap and trap, the possibilities are endless. So next time you're looking to add some rhythm to your writing, consider using one of these words to create a memorable rhyme.

The Perfect Rhyme for App with 2400 Words

When it comes to finding the perfect rhyme for app, there are many options to choose from. From simple words like cap and map to more complex options like enwrap and recap, the possibilities are endless. In this article, we'll explore some of the best rhymes for app and how they can be used in poetry, song lyrics, and everyday conversation.

A Snack That Goes Perfectly with App

One of the easiest rhymes for app is snack. This word is perfect for describing a small bite to eat that pairs well with your favorite app. Whether you're enjoying a cheese plate with your wine app or munching on popcorn while streaming your favorite movie app, a snack is always a great addition.

For example, you might write a poem about your love for mobile gaming and include the line I'll grab a snack that goes perfectly with app, and settle in for a night of fun. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the importance of having a good snack while playing games on your phone or tablet.

The Sound of App That Will Make You Clap

Another option for rhyming with app is clap. This word is perfect for describing a sound effect or action that goes along with your app. For example, if you're using a music app and want to describe how the beat makes you feel, you could say the sound of app will make you clap, as your body moves to the rhythm.

This type of rhyme is ideal for song lyrics or poetry where you want to create a sense of movement or excitement. It's also great for describing the way an app makes you feel, whether it's happy, sad, or anything in between.

Words That Rhyme with App That Will Make You Tap

If you're looking for a rhyme that's a bit more active, tap is a great option. This word can be used to describe the way you interact with your app, whether it's tapping on buttons or swiping through screens.

For example, you might write a song about your favorite social media app and include the line I'll tap away the hours of the day, as I connect with friends from far away. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the importance of staying connected with others through technology.

The Perfect Rhyme for App That Will Make You Laugh

One of the best things about rhyming with app is that it lends itself to humor and playfulness. If you're looking for a rhyme that will make you laugh, crap is a great option. This word can be used to describe a bad app experience or any other situation that didn't go as planned.

For example, you might write a poem about the frustrations of using a buggy app and include the line I tried to use it, but it was pure crap, now I'm stuck with a phone that won't take a nap. This line not only rhymes but also adds a bit of humor to an otherwise frustrating situation.

The Rhyme for App That Will Make You Rasp

If you're looking for a rhyme that's a bit more unusual, rasp is a great option. This word can be used to describe a rough or scratchy sound that goes along with your app, whether it's a glitchy sound effect or the static of a weak connection.

For example, you might write a song about your favorite podcast app and include the line the rasp of the host's voice is music to my ears, as I learn new things and conquer my fears. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the importance of finding inspiration and knowledge through technology.

The Rhyme for App That Will Make You Gasp

Another option for rhyming with app is gasp. This word can be used to describe a surprising or shocking moment that happens while using your app. Whether it's an unexpected message from a friend or a sudden change in the interface, a gasp can be a powerful reaction.

For example, you might write a poem about your love for a travel app and include the line I gasp at the beauty of the world, as I plan my next adventure, unfurled. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the sense of wonder and excitement that comes with exploring new places.

The Rhyme for App That Will Make You Grasp

If you're looking for a rhyme that's more action-oriented, grasp is a great option. This word can be used to describe the way you hold onto your device while using your app, whether it's a phone, tablet, or laptop.

For example, you might write a song about your favorite fitness app and include the line I grasp my phone with sweaty hands, as I push myself to new demands. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the physical effort that goes into staying healthy and active through technology.

The Rhyme for App That Will Make You Blast

For a more energetic rhyme, blast is a great option. This word can be used to describe the way your app takes over your senses, whether it's through loud music, bright colors, or intense gameplay.

For example, you might write a poem about your love for a gaming app and include the line I blast away the competition with skill and strategy, as I lose myself in virtual reality. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the immersive experience that comes with playing games on your device.

The Rhyme for App That Will Make You Fast

If you're looking for a rhyme that's more speed-oriented, fast is a great option. This word can be used to describe the quick response time of your app, whether it's loading pages, downloading files, or streaming videos.

For example, you might write a song about your favorite productivity app and include the line I work so fast, I'm like a machine, as I check off tasks and make my goals lean. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the efficiency and effectiveness of using technology to get things done.

The Rhyme for App That Will Make You Broadcast

Finally, if you're looking for a rhyme that's more communication-oriented, broadcast is a great option. This word can be used to describe the way you share information and connect with others through your app, whether it's through social media, messaging, or video chat.

For example, you might write a poem about your love for a video conferencing app and include the line I broadcast my smile across the miles, as I catch up with friends and family with style. This line not only rhymes but also highlights the importance of staying connected with others, even when you can't be together in person.


As you can see, there are many options for rhyming with app. Whether you're looking for a simple rhyme or something more complex, there's sure to be a word that fits your needs. By incorporating these rhymes into your poetry, song lyrics, or everyday conversation, you can add a bit of fun and playfulness to your language and show off your creative side.

What Rhymes with App: Pros and Cons

The Pros of What Rhymes with App

1. Creativity: What rhymes with app can be a fun and creative way to come up with new words and phrases for marketing, advertising, or even just for fun.

2. Memorable: Using rhyme in your messaging can make it more memorable, which can ultimately lead to better retention and engagement with your audience.

3. Catchy: Rhyme can make your message catchy, which can help it stand out from the crowd and grab people's attention.

The Cons of What Rhymes with App

1. Forced: Trying to make something rhyme when it doesn't naturally can come across as forced and contrived, which can turn people off.

2. Limiting: Focusing too much on what rhymes with app can limit your creativity and prevent you from coming up with other ideas that might be more effective.

3. Cheesy: If done poorly, using rhyme can come across as cheesy and unprofessional, which can harm your brand image.


While using rhyme can be a powerful tool for communication, it's important to use it judiciously and with care. When used well, it can make your message more memorable, catchy, and creative. But when used poorly, it can come across as forced, limiting, and cheesy. Ultimately, the key is to find the right balance and use rhyme in a way that enhances your messaging rather than detracts from it.

Closing Message: What Rhymes with App?

As we come to the end of this article, we hope that you have learned a lot about words that rhyme with app. We know that it can be challenging to find the perfect word to complete a rhyme, but with some practice and creativity, you can master the art of rhyming.

One of the best ways to improve your rhyming skills is to read poetry and listen to music. Pay attention to how poets and songwriters use rhyme to create rhythm and flow in their work. You may also want to try writing your own poetry or songs to practice rhyming and get comfortable with different rhyme schemes.

Another tip for finding words that rhyme with app is to use a rhyming dictionary. These handy tools can help you quickly generate a list of words that rhyme with any given word. Some popular online rhyming dictionaries include RhymeZone, Rhymer, and WriteExpress Rhyming Dictionary.

It's important to keep in mind that not all words that sound similar necessarily rhyme. To be considered a true rhyme, two words must have the same vowel sound and the same ending consonant sound. For example, trap and map are true rhymes because they both end with the same ap sound. However, apple and ample are not true rhymes because they have different ending consonant sounds.

When it comes to rhyming with app, there are many words to choose from. Some common words that rhyme with app include cap, lap, map, nap, rap, and sap. However, these are just a few examples, and there are many other words that you can use to create a rhyme.

One way to make your rhymes more interesting is to use slant rhymes. Slant rhymes, also called near rhymes or half rhymes, are words that have similar but not identical sounds. For example, app and up are not true rhymes, but they have a similar vowel sound and can be used together in a poem or song.

As you experiment with different words that rhyme with app, don't be afraid to get creative and try new things. Rhyming is an art form, and there are no hard and fast rules. The most important thing is to have fun and express yourself through your writing.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has inspired you to explore the world of rhyming and discover new words that rhyme with app. Whether you're a poet, songwriter, or just someone who loves language, rhyming can be a fun and rewarding way to express yourself. So go ahead and get creative – the possibilities are endless!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that you found it informative and enjoyable. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And remember, the next time you're struggling to find a word that rhymes with app, just keep exploring and experimenting – you never know what you might come up with!

What Rhymes with App?

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1. What words rhyme with app?

There are several words that rhyme with app, including:

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  • Lap
  • Rap
  • Snap
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2. What other words rhyme with application?

There are many words that rhyme with application, including:

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Some words that rhyme with happy include:

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4. What rhymes with map?

There are several words that rhyme with map, including:

  • Cap
  • Clap
  • Flap
  • Lap
  • Nap
  • Rap
  • Sap
  • Slap
  • Snap
  • Tap
  • Wrap

5. What words rhyme with the letter P?

There are many words that rhyme with the letter P, including:

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  • Flap
  • Krap
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  • Wrap