End of an Era: Candid App Shuts Down - What You Need to Know


Candid app, the anonymous social media platform, is shutting down due to lack of user engagement and financial sustainability.

The news of Candid app shutting down has come as a shock to its users who have been using the app for years. The anonymous social media platform has been known for providing a space for people to express themselves freely without any fear of judgment. However, the sudden decision to shut down the app has left many wondering what went wrong. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the shutdown and how it will affect the app's users.

Firstly, it is essential to understand the history of Candid app. The platform was launched in 2014 with the aim of creating a safe space for people to express their thoughts and opinions without any repercussions. Since then, the app has gained popularity among users who wanted to speak their minds without revealing their identity. However, the app has also been criticized for promoting cyberbullying and hate speech due to its anonymous nature.

The decision to shut down Candid app has left many users disheartened, especially those who have been using the platform as a means of therapy. The app provided a space for people to share their experiences and connect with others who were going through similar situations. It allowed them to vent their emotions without the fear of being judged or ridiculed. The sudden closure of the app has left many feeling lost and alone.

The reason behind the shutdown of Candid app has been attributed to financial difficulties. The development and maintenance of an app require a significant amount of resources, and Candid app was no exception. The app was struggling to generate revenue, and the costs of running it were becoming unsustainable. Despite several attempts to attract investors, the app failed to secure the necessary funding to keep it afloat.

The shutdown of Candid app raises several questions about the future of anonymous social media platforms. While these platforms provide a space for people to express themselves freely, they also create an environment that promotes cyberbullying and hate speech. The anonymity provided by these platforms allows people to say things that they would not otherwise say in public. This can lead to the spread of false information and the targeting of individuals.

Moreover, the shutdown of Candid app highlights the importance of data privacy. The app collected a significant amount of user data, including their IP addresses and device information. While the app claimed to protect user privacy, the shutdown has raised concerns about what will happen to this data now. Users are worried that their personal information may be compromised or sold to third-party companies.

The closure of Candid app also highlights the need for transparency in social media platforms. The anonymous nature of the app made it difficult to track and monitor the content being shared on the platform. This lack of transparency led to the spread of hate speech and cyberbullying, which ultimately led to the app's downfall. Social media platforms need to be more transparent in their policies and procedures to ensure the safety of their users.

The shutdown of Candid app has left many wondering what the future holds for anonymous social media platforms. While these platforms provide a space for people to express themselves freely, they also create an environment that promotes cyberbullying and hate speech. It is essential for developers of such platforms to put in place measures to prevent the spread of harmful content.

The news of Candid app shutting down has come as a reminder of the importance of investing in sustainable business models. Startups need to have a clear plan for generating revenue and attracting investors. The failure to do so can lead to the downfall of the company, leaving users and employees in a difficult situation.

In conclusion, the shutdown of Candid app has left many users feeling lost and disappointed. The app provided a space for people to express themselves freely without any fear of judgment. However, the app's anonymous nature also led to the spread of hate speech and cyberbullying. The shutdown of the app has raised several questions about the future of anonymous social media platforms and the importance of data privacy and transparency.


Candid, the anonymous social media app that allowed users to post and comment without revealing their identities, has shut down. The news of the app’s closure was shared on the company’s website, leaving many users shocked and disappointed.


Candid was founded in 2014 by Bindu Reddy and Balaji Krishnan. The app quickly gained popularity among teens and young adults as a platform to share their thoughts and opinions anonymously. Unlike other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, Candid did not require users to use their real names or provide any personal information.

Features of Candid

Candid allowed users to post text and images anonymously. Users could also upvote or downvote posts and comments, similar to how Reddit works. The app had a feature called “Candid Rank,” which determined how trustworthy a user’s posts and comments were based on their past activity on the app.


While Candid was popular for its anonymity, it also faced controversies over the years. The app was criticized for allowing hate speech and cyberbullying to thrive on its platform. In 2017, an investigation by The Guardian found that Candid was being used by white supremacists to spread hate speech.

The Shutdown

In a statement on its website, Candid announced that it would be shutting down due to financial reasons. The company stated that it had been unable to secure funding to continue operating the app.

Reaction from Users

Many Candid users expressed their disappointment and sadness at the news of the app’s shutdown. Some users had been using the app for years and had formed online communities and friendships through it.

Alternatives to Candid

Following the news of Candid’s shutdown, many users began looking for alternatives to the app. Some popular anonymous social media apps include Whisper, Yik Yak, and Sarahah. However, these apps have also faced controversies over the years for similar reasons as Candid.

The Future of Anonymous Social Media

Candid’s closure raises questions about the future of anonymous social media. While anonymity can allow for more honest and open communication, it can also enable hate speech and cyberbullying. As more people become aware of these issues, it’s possible that anonymous social media apps will face greater scrutiny and regulation in the future.

Potential Solutions

One potential solution to the problems facing anonymous social media is to use a hybrid approach. Platforms like Reddit and 4chan allow users to post anonymously, but they also have moderators who can remove content that violates the platform’s rules. Another solution could be to use artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect and remove hate speech and cyberbullying on anonymous social media platforms.


Candid’s shutdown is a reminder of the challenges facing anonymous social media platforms. While these apps can provide a space for open and honest communication, they can also be used to spread hate speech and cyberbullying. As we move forward, it’s important to consider how we can create spaces for open communication while also protecting users from harm.

Candid app users left in shock as the platform suddenly shuts down

Social media has become a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, offering us a platform to connect with friends, family, and even strangers. Candid app was one such platform that had gained immense popularity among social media enthusiasts. Launched in 2016, Candid app was known for its anonymous messaging feature, which allowed users to share their thoughts, opinions, and feedback without revealing their identity.

However, on the morning of 15th June 2021, Candid app's loyal user base was left in shock when they received a notification from the app, announcing its sudden closure.

Social media giant Candid app announces closure without warning

The notification read, Dear Candid users, it is with great regret that we announce the closure of the Candid app. We appreciate your support over the years and apologize for any inconvenience caused. The announcement came as a complete surprise to the app's users, who had no prior indication of the shutdown. Many users took to social media to express their disappointment and frustration at the sudden closure.

What caused the unexpected shutdown of the popular Candid app?

The announcement of Candid app's closure raised several questions about what led to its sudden demise. While the app's management did not provide any specific reasons for the shutdown, industry experts speculate that the app's inability to generate sustainable revenue could be a significant contributing factor.

Unlike many other social media platforms, Candid app did not rely on advertising revenue to sustain its operations. Instead, the app charged users a subscription fee to access specific features, such as the ability to send anonymous messages. However, this business model may have proved unsustainable in the long run, given the fierce competition in the social media industry.

Candid app's sudden demise leaves users searching for alternative platforms

The sudden closure of Candid app has left its loyal user base searching for alternative platforms to connect with their online community. Unfortunately, the anonymous messaging feature that was unique to Candid app is not available on many other social media platforms. This has made it challenging for users to find a suitable replacement that offers the same level of anonymity and privacy.

Many users have expressed their disappointment at the lack of options available to them and have called on social media companies to develop more secure and private platforms that respect users' privacy.

Candid app's shutdown sparks outrage among its loyal user base

The sudden closure of Candid app has sparked outrage among its loyal user base, who feel betrayed and let down by the app's management. Many users had invested time, effort, and money into building their online community on the platform, only to have it taken away without warning.

Several users have taken to social media to voice their frustration and anger, calling for the app's management to provide a more detailed explanation for the shutdown. Some users have even threatened legal action against the company, arguing that they were not given sufficient notice to back up their data or find alternative platforms.

Candid app's closure raises questions about the future of social media

The sudden closure of Candid app has raised questions about the future of social media and the risks associated with relying on third-party platforms. Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and the sudden shutdown of a popular platform like Candid app highlights the vulnerability of relying on these platforms to connect with others.

Many users are now questioning the long-term viability of social media platforms and are calling for more transparent policies and regulations to protect users' rights and privacy.

Candid app's shutdown highlights the risks of relying on third-party platforms

The sudden closure of Candid app also highlights the risks associated with relying on third-party platforms to store and share data. Many users had invested a significant amount of time and effort into building their online community on the app, only to have it taken away without any warning.

This highlights the importance of backing up data and using secure and reliable platforms to store and share information. Users should always be cautious when sharing personal information online and should take steps to protect their privacy and security.

Candid app users express disappointment and frustration over its abrupt closure

The abrupt closure of Candid app has left its users feeling disappointed and frustrated, with many feeling let down by the app's management. Users had invested time, effort, and money into building their online community on the platform, only to have it taken away without warning.

Many users have expressed their disappointment and frustration on social media, calling for the app's management to provide a more detailed explanation for the shutdown. Some users have even threatened legal action against the company, arguing that they were not given sufficient notice to back up their data or find alternative platforms.

Candid app shutdown: What does it mean for the app's investors and employees?

The shutdown of Candid app not only affects its users but also its investors and employees. The sudden closure of the app has left investors wondering about the fate of their investment and whether they will be able to recover their funds.

Similarly, the app's employees are now facing an uncertain future, with many losing their jobs as a result of the shutdown. The closure of Candid app highlights the risks associated with investing in startups and the importance of conducting due diligence before investing in any company.

Candid app's closure serves as a reminder of the importance of backing up data

The sudden closure of Candid app serves as a reminder of the importance of backing up data and using secure and reliable platforms to store and share information. Users should always be cautious when sharing personal information online and should take steps to protect their privacy and security.

The shutdown of Candid app has left many users scrambling to retrieve their data and find alternative platforms to connect with their online community. This highlights the importance of regularly backing up data and using secure and reliable platforms to store and share information.


The sudden closure of Candid app has left its loyal user base feeling disappointed, frustrated, and betrayed. The lack of transparency and communication from the app's management has only added to users' frustration, with many calling for more transparent policies and regulations to protect users' rights and privacy.

The shutdown of Candid app also highlights the risks associated with relying on third-party platforms to store and share data. Users should always be cautious when sharing personal information online and should take steps to protect their privacy and security.

The future of social media is uncertain, with many users now questioning the long-term viability of these platforms. The sudden closure of Candid app serves as a wake-up call for social media companies to develop more secure and private platforms that respect users' privacy.

Overall, the sudden closure of Candid app has left a significant impact on its users, investors, and employees. It serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency, communication, and due diligence in the tech industry and highlights the risks associated with investing in startups and relying on third-party platforms.

Candid App Shutting Down: My Point of View

The Pros of Candid App Shutting Down

1. Candid was known for its anonymous and often controversial content, which could lead to cyberbullying and harassment. With the app shutting down, there is one less platform for such harmful behavior.

2. The app also had issues with fake news and false information being circulated, so this could potentially reduce misinformation being spread online.

3. Candid's business model relied on selling user data, so its shutdown could mean increased privacy for its former users.

The Cons of Candid App Shutting Down

1. For those who enjoyed using Candid as a means of expressing their opinions and thoughts anonymously, they will have to find a new platform to do so.

2. The app had a community of users who found support and solidarity through shared experiences, and now that community will be disbanded.

3. Candid's disappearance could also signal a trend of censorship and control over online content, which could limit freedom of expression.

In Conclusion

While the shutdown of Candid has both pros and cons, it ultimately boils down to the responsibility of individuals to use online platforms in a constructive and respectful manner. As technology continues to evolve, it is important for us to consider the impact our online presence has on others and to make conscious decisions about how we engage with others on the internet.

Goodbye Candid: A Final Farewell

Dear Candid users and visitors,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the shutdown of Candid, effective immediately. We have made the difficult decision to close down our app due to unforeseen circumstances and challenges that we were unable to overcome.

We want to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to all our users who have supported us throughout our journey. We are proud of what we have achieved together and the community that we have built.

Over the years, Candid has become a platform for people to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences anonymously. We have seen countless conversations take place on our app, with users from all around the world connecting over shared interests and experiences.

We know that Candid has played a significant role in many people's lives, and we are honored to have been a part of that. We hope that our app has served as a safe space for our users to express themselves freely and without judgment.

However, as much as we would like to continue providing this service, we have come to realize that it is no longer feasible. The challenges that we have faced have made it impossible for us to continue running Candid.

We understand that this news may be disappointing for many of you, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We want to assure you that we have explored all possible avenues to keep Candid running, but unfortunately, it is not sustainable.

At this moment, we are working to ensure that the shutdown process goes smoothly, and any user data is handled with utmost care and privacy. We will be deleting all user data permanently in the coming weeks, so please be sure to download any content that you wish to keep.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank our team members who have worked tirelessly to build and maintain Candid. Their hard work and dedication have been instrumental in making Candid what it is today, and we are grateful for all that they have done.

Lastly, we want to say goodbye to all our users and visitors. Thank you for being a part of Candid's journey, and we hope that you will continue to find safe spaces online where you can express yourself freely.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


The Candid Team

What do people ask about Candid app shutting down?

1. Why is Candid app shutting down?

According to the official statement released by Candid's CEO, the company has decided to shut down due to financial reasons. The app was not generating enough revenue to sustain the business.

2. When will Candid app shut down?

The Candid app will shut down on July 31, 2021. After this date, users will no longer be able to access their accounts or use the app.

3. What will happen to my data on Candid app?

Users can export their data from the Candid app until July 31, 2021. After this date, all data will be permanently deleted from Candid's servers.

4. Is there any alternative to Candid app?

Yes, there are several alternative apps available that offer similar features to Candid. Some popular options include Whisper, Yik Yak, and Secret.

5. Will Candid app be back in the future?

It's uncertain if Candid app will be back in the future. The company has stated that they are open to exploring new opportunities, but for now, they are focusing on shutting down the app and ensuring a smooth transition for their users.