Discover the Congressional App Challenge Rules: Empowering Young Innovators in Technology


The Congressional App Challenge rules are simple and fun! Create an app, submit it before the deadline, and win amazing prizes. Join now!

The Congressional App Challenge is an annual event that encourages high school students to develop and submit their own original applications. The challenge is now in its seventh year, and it has become increasingly popular among young tech enthusiasts nationwide. This year's competition promises to be even more exciting than ever before, with new rules and guidelines that ensure a fair and competitive environment for all participants. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Congressional App Challenge rules and explore some of the key features that make this event so special.

First and foremost, it's important to note that the Congressional App Challenge is open to all high school students who reside or attend school within the district of a participating Member of Congress. This means that students from across the country have the opportunity to showcase their coding skills and compete against their peers for recognition and prizes. Whether you live in a big city or a small town, this challenge provides a level playing field for everyone to pursue their passion for technology.

One of the most exciting things about the Congressional App Challenge is that there are no limits on the types of applications that students can develop. Whether you want to create a game, a productivity tool, or a social networking platform, the choice is entirely up to you. This gives participants the freedom to explore their creativity and express their unique perspectives through their projects.

Of course, with great freedom comes great responsibility, and the Congressional App Challenge has several rules and guidelines in place to ensure that all entries are appropriate and ethical. For example, all applications must be original works created by the student or team submitting the entry. Additionally, all applications must comply with local laws and regulations, and they must not contain any offensive or inappropriate content. By enforcing these rules, the challenge organizers hope to foster a safe and respectful environment for all participants.

Another important aspect of the Congressional App Challenge is the judging criteria. Entries are evaluated based on several factors, including their originality, functionality, and potential impact. Judges will also consider how well the application addresses a specific challenge or problem, and how effectively it uses technology to provide a solution. By focusing on these key criteria, the challenge organizers hope to encourage participants to think critically and creatively about the problems facing their communities.

If you're interested in participating in the Congressional App Challenge, there are a few important deadlines to keep in mind. The competition typically opens in the spring, and submissions are due in the fall. During this time, students and their mentors have the opportunity to work on their applications and refine their ideas before submitting their final entries. It's important to plan ahead and stay organized throughout the process, as there are several steps involved in submitting an application.

One of the most exciting aspects of the Congressional App Challenge is the potential for recognition and prizes. Winners are typically announced in December, and they receive a variety of awards and honors. In addition to being recognized by their local Member of Congress, winners may also have their applications displayed at the U.S. Capitol Building and on the Congressional App Challenge website. Additionally, some winners may receive scholarships or other prizes to help them pursue their education and career goals.

Overall, the Congressional App Challenge is an incredible opportunity for high school students to showcase their creativity, coding skills, and passion for technology. Whether you're an experienced programmer or just starting out, this challenge provides a fun and exciting way to explore new ideas and tackle real-world problems. So if you're interested in participating, be sure to check out the rules and guidelines, start brainstorming your ideas, and get ready to submit your best work!

Introduction to the Congressional App Challenge

The Congressional App Challenge is an annual competition that provides students with an opportunity to showcase their coding skills. This competition is open to high school students from across the United States and encourages them to create original apps. The challenge is hosted by members of Congress, and winning entries are displayed on the House of Representatives' website.

The Rules of the Congressional App Challenge

Eligibility Requirements

To participate in the Congressional App Challenge, students must meet certain eligibility requirements. They must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are currently enrolled in a high school or secondary school. Participants can work individually or in teams of up to four members. Additionally, students must have a sponsoring teacher who will assist them throughout the competition.

App Development Guidelines

Students are required to create an original app for the competition. The app should be designed to solve a problem or provide a solution to a real-world issue. It can be developed for any platform, including desktop, web, or mobile devices. The app should be submitted as an executable file or a video demonstration of the app's features.

Judging Criteria

Entries are judged based on four criteria: creativity, technical skill, potential impact, and presentation. Judges will evaluate each app based on how well it demonstrates the student's creativity and technical abilities, as well as its potential to make a positive impact in the real world. The app's presentation should be clear and easy to understand.

Submission Deadline

The submission deadline for the Congressional App Challenge varies by year. Students should check the official website for the most up-to-date information. Typically, submissions open in the spring and close in the fall. However, specific deadlines may vary depending on the member of Congress hosting the competition.


The Congressional App Challenge offers a variety of prizes for winning entries. The top three winners receive cash prizes, and their apps are displayed on the House of Representatives' website. Additionally, winners may be invited to attend the #HouseOfCode event in Washington, D.C., where they can showcase their app to members of Congress and other technology leaders.

Tips for Success in the Congressional App Challenge

Choose a Compelling Topic

The most successful entries in the Congressional App Challenge are those that address a real-world issue or solve a problem. Students should choose a topic that they are passionate about and that has the potential to make a positive impact in their community.

Focus on User Experience

The user experience is critical to the success of any app. Students should focus on creating an app that is intuitive and easy to use. They should also consider the needs of their target audience and design an app that meets those needs.

Showcase Technical Skills

The Congressional App Challenge judges will evaluate each entry based on technical skill. Students should demonstrate their coding abilities by using advanced programming techniques and incorporating complex features into their app.

Practice Your Presentation

Presentation skills are just as important as technical skills in the Congressional App Challenge. Students should practice presenting their app and be prepared to answer questions from the judges. They should also create a clear and concise pitch that highlights the key features of their app.


The Congressional App Challenge is an exciting opportunity for high school students to showcase their coding skills and make a positive impact in their community. By following the rules and tips outlined above, students can increase their chances of success in the competition and create an app that stands out from the rest. We encourage all eligible students to participate in this year's challenge and see where their coding skills can take them!

Congressional App Challenge: Rules and Guidelines

The Congressional App Challenge is an annual competition organized by members of the U.S. House of Representatives to encourage students to develop their coding and programming skills while creating innovative apps. The challenge is open to students from all over the country, and it provides a platform for them to showcase their technical abilities and creativity. However, to ensure a fair and competitive contest, the organizers have established specific rules and guidelines that participants must follow. In this article, we will discuss the eligibility requirements, submission criteria, design guidelines, content restrictions, deadlines, intellectual property rules, prohibited actions, third-party resource guidelines, team size and collaboration rules, and consequences for violating the Congressional App Challenge rules.

1. Eligibility Requirements for Participants in the Congressional App Challenge

To participate in the Congressional App Challenge, students must meet specific eligibility requirements. First, they must be enrolled in a middle school or high school at the time of submission. Second, they must reside or attend school in the congressional district of a participating member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Third, they must form teams of up to four students, with at least one member serving as the primary contact for the submission. Fourth, they must obtain consent from a parent or guardian, as well as from their school principal or teacher, to participate in the challenge.

2. Criteria for Submission and Judging of Apps

The Congressional App Challenge judges apps based on four criteria: creativity, technical expertise, potential impact, and user experience. The app should demonstrate a unique and innovative idea, be well-designed, be technically sound, and have the potential to make a positive impact on society. The user experience should be intuitive, engaging, and easy to understand. Judges will evaluate each app based on these criteria and select winners based on their scores.

3. Guidelines for the Design and Functionality of Submitted Apps

The design and functionality of the submitted apps should follow specific guidelines set by the Congressional App Challenge. First, the app must be original, and the team should not have used any pre-existing app-building platforms or templates. Second, the app should be built using one of the approved programming languages, which include HTML5, JavaScript, C++, and Swift. Third, the app should be compatible with iOS, Android, or other mobile devices. Fourth, the app should be user-friendly, well-designed, and visually appealing. Fifth, the app should be functional, with no bugs or errors.

4. Restrictions on Content and Subject Matter of Apps

The Congressional App Challenge has specific restrictions on the content and subject matter of the submitted apps. First, the app should not contain any offensive or inappropriate material, including hate speech, violence, nudity, or drugs. Second, the app should not infringe on any third-party copyrights or trademarks. Third, the app should not promote any political or religious agenda. Fourth, the app should not collect or share any personal information without the user's consent.

5. Submission Deadlines for the Congressional App Challenge

To participate in the Congressional App Challenge, teams must submit their app by the deadline set by their participating member of Congress. The submission deadline can vary from district to district, but it is usually in the fall. Teams should check with their member of Congress or the Congressional App Challenge website for the specific submission deadline.

6. Rules Regarding Intellectual Property and Ownership of Submitted Apps

The Congressional App Challenge has specific rules regarding intellectual property and ownership of submitted apps. First, the team should own all the rights to the app, including the code and any graphics or other content used in the app. Second, the team should not use any copyrighted or trademarked material without permission. Third, the team agrees to grant a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to the Congressional App Challenge and its sponsors to use, reproduce, and distribute the app for promotional purposes.

7. Prohibited Actions and Behavior During the Congressional App Challenge

The Congressional App Challenge has specific rules regarding prohibited actions and behavior during the competition. First, participants should not engage in any cheating or unethical behavior, including plagiarism, hacking, or data theft. Second, participants should not harass, bully, or threaten other participants or judges. Third, participants should not use any prohibited substances or engage in any illegal activities. Fourth, participants should maintain professional and respectful behavior at all times.

8. Guidelines for the Use of Third-Party Resources and Software in App Development

The Congressional App Challenge has specific guidelines for the use of third-party resources and software in app development. First, teams should only use resources and software that are legally obtained and properly licensed. Second, teams should provide proper attribution for any resources or software used in the app. Third, teams should not use any third-party resources or software that violates copyright or trademark laws. Fourth, teams should not use any third-party resources or software that contains malware or other malicious code.

9. Rules Regarding Team Size and Collaboration in the Congressional App Challenge

The Congressional App Challenge has specific rules regarding team size and collaboration. First, teams can consist of up to four students, with at least one student serving as the primary contact for the submission. Second, teams can collaborate with other students or mentors to develop their app, but they must acknowledge their contributions in the submission. Third, teams should not receive any outside assistance during the judging process.

10. Consequences for Violation of Congressional App Challenge Rules and Guidelines

The Congressional App Challenge has specific consequences for violating its rules and guidelines. First, teams that violate the rules may be disqualified from the competition. Second, teams that engage in unethical or illegal behavior may face legal or disciplinary action. Third, the Congressional App Challenge reserves the right to revoke any awards or prizes if it discovers that the team violated any of the rules or guidelines.In conclusion, the Congressional App Challenge is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their coding and programming skills while creating innovative apps. However, to ensure a fair and competitive contest, participants must follow the established rules and guidelines. The eligibility requirements, submission criteria, design guidelines, content restrictions, deadlines, intellectual property rules, prohibited actions, third-party resource guidelines, team size and collaboration rules, and consequences for violating the Congressional App Challenge rules should be carefully reviewed and followed. By doing so, students can enjoy a positive and enriching experience while participating in the Congressional App Challenge.

My Point of View on Congressional App Challenge Rules

The Pros of Congressional App Challenge Rules

1. Promotes STEM Education: The Congressional App Challenge is a great initiative that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education among students across the country. This challenge encourages students to learn and apply coding skills to create innovative and useful apps.

2. Encourages Creativity: The rules of the Congressional App Challenge encourage students to think creatively and come up with original ideas for their apps. This fosters an environment of innovation and creativity, which is essential for the growth and progress of our society.

3. Provides a Platform for Recognition: The Congressional App Challenge provides a platform for students to showcase their skills and talents. Winners of the challenge get recognition from their peers, teachers, and members of Congress, which can boost their confidence and motivate them to pursue careers in STEM fields.

The Cons of Congressional App Challenge Rules

1. Limited Access: The Congressional App Challenge is open only to high school students in participating Congressional districts. This limits access to the challenge for students who are interested in STEM education but do not live in these districts.

2. Requires Technical Skills: The rules of the Congressional App Challenge require students to have technical skills in coding and app development. This may discourage some students who are interested in STEM education but do not have the necessary skills or resources to participate.

3. Lack of Diversity: There is a lack of diversity among the participants in the Congressional App Challenge. This may be due to the limited access and technical requirements of the challenge, which may exclude certain groups of students such as those from low-income families or underrepresented minorities.


The Congressional App Challenge is a great initiative that promotes STEM education and encourages creativity among high school students. However, the limited access, technical requirements, and lack of diversity may be barriers for some students. It is important to address these issues to ensure that the challenge is accessible and inclusive for all students who are interested in STEM education.

Congressional App Challenge Rules: A Guide for Participants

As the Congressional App Challenge approaches, it is essential to understand the rules and regulations that govern the competition. The competition is an exciting opportunity for students to showcase their coding skills and creativity while competing with their peers from all over the country. With that in mind, it is crucial to know the rules and abide by them to avoid disqualification. Here is everything you need to know about the Congressional App Challenge rules.

Who can participate?

The Congressional App Challenge is open to all middle and high school students across the United States. Participants can compete individually or as a team of up to four members. The competition is not limited to students who are studying computer science or have prior coding experience. Any student with an interest in technology and innovation can participate.

What are the rules and requirements?

All participants must submit original apps that they have developed themselves. The apps must be designed to work on mobile devices, desktops, or the web. The apps should be functional, and the code used to develop them should be original and written by the participants themselves. The apps must also address a problem or challenge within the participant's community.

Participants are required to submit a video demonstration of their app and a written description of the app's functionality and purpose. The video should be two minutes or less and should explain how the app works and its intended use. The written description should be no more than 150 words and should provide a brief overview of the app.

How are the submissions evaluated?

The submissions are evaluated based on several criteria, including creativity, technical ability, and potential impact. The judges will also consider how well the app addresses the identified problem or challenge. It is essential to ensure that the app's functionality and purpose are well articulated in the video and written description.

What are the deadlines?

The deadline for submitting entries varies depending on the participant's district. Interested students should check with their congressional representative's office to find out the submission deadline for their district. However, all submissions must be received by November 1st, 2021, to be eligible for the competition.

What are the prizes?

The Congressional App Challenge awards several prizes to the winners of the competition. The grand prize winner receives an invitation to attend the #HouseofCode festival in Washington, D.C., and their app displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building. Other prizes include a meeting with a venture capitalist, a visit to a tech company, and a certificate of recognition from Congress.


The Congressional App Challenge is an excellent opportunity for middle and high school students to showcase their coding skills and creativity. However, it is essential to understand and abide by the rules to avoid disqualification. Participants should ensure that their apps are original, functional, and address a problem or challenge within their community. They should also provide a clear video demonstration and written description of their app's functionality and purpose. With these guidelines in mind, participants can create innovative and impactful apps that have the potential to change their communities and beyond.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the Congressional App Challenge rules. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your congressional representative's office or visit the official Congressional App Challenge website for more information.

People Also Ask About Congressional App Challenge Rules

What is the Congressional App Challenge?

The Congressional App Challenge is an annual competition open to middle and high school students across the United States. The challenge aims to encourage students to learn about computer science and coding by creating their own innovative and functional software applications.

Who can participate in the Congressional App Challenge?

The Congressional App Challenge is open to all middle and high school students who reside or attend school in a participating congressional district. Students can participate individually or in teams of up to four members.

What are the rules for the Congressional App Challenge?

The rules for the Congressional App Challenge are as follows:

  1. The app must be original and created by the student/team.
  2. The app must be functional and run on at least one platform (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.).
  3. The app must be designed to address a problem or issue within the student's community.
  4. The app must have a clear and concise description, including its purpose and intended audience.
  5. The app must include a video presentation that explains how it works and its intended impact.
  6. The app must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

How are winners selected?

Winners of the Congressional App Challenge are selected by a panel of judges who evaluate the apps based on creativity, functionality, and potential impact. Each participating congressional district may have its own judging panel, and winners are announced in December.

What are the prizes for winning the Congressional App Challenge?

The prizes for winning the Congressional App Challenge vary by district, but may include recognition from the member of Congress representing the district, opportunities to showcase the app at events, and even meetings with technology leaders in the industry. Some districts may also offer cash prizes or scholarships.